Here it happens that someone changes their username.
Well, if you liked Madness animations, then this nickname was the right one. And if you came back as a new person (after a few years), a change was actually needed.
I was also absent from NG for some time (two years). Well, if you had to focus on something else, that's understandable.
Well, I come from a family (and customs) with only one name. Well, it's understandable - why such a nickname.
Being a Youtuber is an engrossing job. Well, everyone has problems with the lack of a graphics card.
Did you put me in the first place? Nice: P But I'm certainly not the most popular (of the present). It's amazing that you were so inspired! It's great that you started creating stick figure animations yourself :) I can't wait to see your movie ready for NG :)
Thanks for the wishes! You're late? What do you mean?
How many hours do you work? Overworking unhealthily, I hope it doesn't hurt you.
Good luck and thank you!
PS. You can always join our project as Beta Tester. And to the team as any artist :)
Thank you for putting me here by name. It is big honour for me.
Still waiting for Line of Work trailer. I have high hopes after seeing previous examples from PM,
Like Mejson said to Steve at the end of Reduce 1: “welcome to the party”
P.S. Still did not answer your last message. I promise I will do!
You're welcome. You and others have big impact on my life and inspiring me for my animation. Of course you had to be there. ;)
And, still waiting for free time to continue on that. :( Thanks for your compliments on my examples. Hey, you said examples. I even cannot imagine how it will get more incredible soon, if they are good by you all.
Wow... Thanks for inviting me. ^^
It's okay, no problem. Waiting on your reply.